Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program.
IAS is ready to guide you through the process of enrolling your farmland in a third-party coalition and assist your operation through complying with regulations.
The Regional Water Quality Control Board's Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program (ILRP) will have a significant impact on all irrigated lands in the Central Valley of California. The proper land use of all nutrients is at the heart of these regulations. Growers are required to implement a monitoring and reporting program to show they are utilizing the proper use of nutrients with the production of irrigated crops.
Growers are encouraged to engage in the process of adopting and implementing these new requirements, yet growers should also work with established coalitions and other allies to ensure their farming operation is properly represented and protected. Innovative Ag Services, LLC stands with growers and allied groups to represent and protect the family farms that are at the core of this great Central Valley.
Click the map for ILRP info.

Irrigated Lands Services.

Nutrient Management Plan
Nitrogen Budget
Annual Reporting
Record Keeping System
Monthly Monitoring
Preparation for Inspection
Representation for Inspection
We are ready to provide comprehensive nutrient management and compliance services to your farming operation today. We hope to be a valuable service provider to not only growers, but also serve as a resource to Irrigation Districts and Water Quality Coalitions.